How To Take A Month Off Drinking – 11 Tips

How To Take A Month Off Drinking – 11 Tips

So you want to take a month off drinking? Prepare to take a month off drinking? Not this month, maybe next month? Half a month off drinking? It's ok – we get it.

Deciding to take a month off drinking can seem like a daunting task doomed to failure and best kept to colourless Januarys following booze drenched Decembers. But fear not! Taking a month off drinking has a huge amount of benefits from saving money to better sleep and of course a perhaps well needed detox.

People who take a break from booze for a month are also 72% more likely to be mindful about reducing their levels of harmful drinking for the following six months.

So how to crack it? Here we share 11 Tips for How To Take A Month Off Drinking


#1 💥 Make it exciting and something you actually want to do! Taking a month off booze is a challenge, but that isn't to say you won't reap the rewards (and maybe even possibly enjoy the process). So make it an exciting challenge and approach it with a positive mindset. This isn't about what you're going to lose for the next 30 days, this is about what you will gain! From new-found confidence in sober socialising, to reduced anxiety, glowing skin and blissful sleep. There's a reason why the sober curious are stayin' curious! 


#2 🗓 Prep your calendar – if you're going to commit, then you need to commit. Look through your calendar for when you are likely to slip up, and have a plan in place for how you will make sure you don't drink no matter how tempted you are (read on!).


#3 🤪 Get some non-drinking social scenes in your calendar – have some fun with your month off drinking and get out there and try something which you wouldn't normally do. Make day and evening plans with friends outside of the pub or boozy dinners. A starting point: kayaking, book an art class, go axe throwing, go hiking, learn a new skill or language, go to a sober morning rave, hit the spa or get a massage, volunteer your time, do an escape room! 


#4 ✍🏼 Write down your reasons for wanting to take a month off drinking – make yourself accountable by writing it down. Looking to get fit? Trying to save cash? Can't face a hangover again for possibly the next decade? We all have different reasons for why we take a month off drinking – write it down in your phone so you have a handy reminder which you can pull up easily when you're feeling rocky.


#5 💬 Spread the word – some people like to keep it to themselves until they've got a few days in the bag, but by telling friends and family what you are doing – the more likely you are to stay accountable and on track. 


#6 📸 Get social – feel like you're riding solo on your month off the sauce? Places like Instagram are amazing for meeting like minded people who are sharing their experiences and a glimpse into how their sober curious world looks. Give us a follow @reformedcharacters and we'll be sure to repay the favour.  


#7 🤲🏼 Affirm your intentions – heading for a night out? Before you leave the house or on your way, reaffirm your intentions that you won't drink tonight. Repeating this will influence your subconscious mind to get on board with the conscious decisions you're trying to make. 


#8 🍸 Choose non-alcoholic and soft drinks which excite you – just because you're breaking up with booze for a month doesn't mean you have to miss out. These boozeless beauties are an invaluable tool in your sobriety arsenal which will quench that thirst better than a pint of soda and lime ever will.


#9 ⏰ Play it forward – remember the reasons why you don't want to drink and the things you can do the next day when you've escaped the clutches of a hangover. Need some inspiration? Read our 15 Tweets that remind us of the horrors of a hangover.


#10 👻 Know your demons – are you an end of day wine drinker? A weekend binger? A solo slurper? Know what your triggers are with alcohol and when you are most likely to really want a drink. A tip? HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired – do you really want a drink or is it something else you're craving?


#11 🥕 Carrot not stick! – approach your month with self-love and compassion. Remember, carrot – not stick! Reward yourself through the month to keep yourself motivated and happy.




How To Take A Month Off Drinking 


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